Transitioning into a working environment

09 February 2022,  Melody Sithole 363

The beginning of my candidate attorney journey. 

Quite honestly, I'm still not sure how this is supposed to go but I thought that I would make it very real and honest so that I know that people can relate to this. I've just started my articles and I must say that the only word that comes to my mind right now is wow. Just wow. 

Three months in and let us just say that the transition from university to an actual work environment is a tricky one. I've drafted a few pleadings and letters going to people and I need to say that it feels so good to finally draft to get a message across to people and not to get graded for it. 

I don't even want to get started on my first appearance in the court of law. The only thing I had going through my mind was, "this is not a mock trial" but standing before a Magistrate just makes you thankful that you went through the trial-and-error process with mock trials in university. 

Don’t get me wrong its still a trial-and-error in the court of law but it is getting there. Right now, I am at a place where I am trying to put what I have learned into practice and that is a tricky process. 

There is still so much to learn but I'm really looking forward to the rest of the journey. I'm just grateful to be able to share it with you all.
