The small things

31 August 2020,  Gerda Janse van Rensburg 589

Too much of a good thing, is bad for you.  Just like everything else in life, the moment you add the “Too Much”, you have officially strayed from your course.

A week or two ago I was asked what I wished someone told me in the year past matric and what would have added value to my career. I think back to the young naïve girl from the platteland,  with way too much ambition, who was quite sure that she would become the speaker of parliament or at least end up in a glass office with lots of lights in Sandton or London.  Not sure I would want to be speaker of parliament now, even if they paid me in dollars, but yes, that was the dream.

As the years go by, the dreams change, and you become more realistic in your expectations.  I now aim for different things.  A fulfilled life, happy home, growing firm, happy clients…  I want more of the simple things in life, and I appreciate those so much more.

These is a song by JOSH WILSON – Dream Small.  And I wonder what my 18 year old self would say when she would see me singing and nodding to the words.

It goes something like this:

It's a momma singing songs about the Lord
It's a daddy spending family time
That the world said he cannot afford
These simple moments change the world
Dream small -  Don't bother like you've gotta do it all
Just let Jesus use you where you are
One day at a time

Live well
Loving God and others as yourself
Find little ways where only you can help
With His great love
A tiny rock can make a giant fall
Dream small

I look at the words and I think of my life and what we have built so far.  And man! Am I enjoying the small things.

The small things end up being the important things.  If done wrong, and with the wrong reasons as motivation, the small things will make or break a firm, a career a family and your marriage 

The big ambitions will never go away. They are very much alive, just so much different.  I have no ambition to become the speaker of any parliament, but I love speaking out about my children’s schools.  Speaking up for a child who can’t speak for himself, or that client who does not have the experience that is needed for the matter at hand.

I find joy in different things now, but man, do I find joy in these small things.

So what would I have told my 18 year old self:  Take time.  Decide who you are and what you will stand for.   And then, stick to it
