Suck it up Buttercup!

05 May 2020,  Gerda Janse van Rensburg 554

“They can’t tell me I can’t go out at night”

“I won’t wear a mask. 

It’s too hot”

“I will go to town whenever I want”

“Stuff the permit… I will do as I please”

These are the everyday comments you hear and see on social media.

If you start asking why, you soon hear the heart of their reasoning.  We, as a community, have not had to comply with strict rules since school.  For some of us, that is decades ago.  And suddenly, we sound like spoilt brats…   And then we ask what is wrong with our society?  We have become a country that deserve Gold medals for complaining, criticising and being in a bad mood.

Yes, some of the lockdown regulations does not make sense.  Yes, some of the ministers does not portray a picture that invokes confidence. BUT, have you thought that they (just as you) had no warning?  That they are writing law, regulations as they go along. Writing law sometimes takes years, and now is done in 7 days.

Will they make mistakes?  For sure, just like you.

Will they change the rules from time to time?  You bet!  That is a good thing, it means they now when something needs to be rectified.

On my way to our Level 4 office yesterday, I stopped for essentials.  I have NEVER seen so many people in my town.  Never!  It is impossible that they all needed stuff and the same time! The guard at the door, said it has been this hectic since last week.  More people than he has ever seen.  Small babies, toddlers and a couple of grannies with walking sticks.  What are these people thinking?

People are simply refusing to stick to the rules.  I am quite sure that if everyone went back to work, there would be less people in town, and the businesses could enforce social distancing in their offices. People would be safer there, than galivanting in town.

The strangest thing is, when this virus gets to your family, you will be the first to complain.  Then the answer will be that “they” did not keep us safe.  Guess what, your safety and health is YOUR responsibility.  The biggest problem with our legal system, is that it hinges on my RIGHTS, and not on responsibilities. 

Yes, you have the right to housing, but then the responsibility to look after it. 

Yes, you have the right to schools, but then the responsibility to respect your teachers, do your part and study. 

Yes, you have the right to medical services, but the responsibility to then look after yourselves, and follow doctors orders

So, suck it up Buttercup!  Its time to grow up and take responsibility for your own health.  It is no one’s responsibility, except your own.  Stay at home.
