Reflecting in October

10 October 2022,  Marié Combrink 240

I have been thinking the last few weeks how this year 2022 just flew right passed us.

Rather than reflecting at the end of the year let’s think of what this year with all it’s ups and downs has taught us.  I don’t ever want to rush time but I think I need time to prepare myself for the new year and have an honest an open mindset about what matters and what works for me, what I can change and what I can build on.

One of the big things I personally experienced during this last year being in leadership positions and also by observing other people learning or being a good leader:

People think being a leader is being in a position with status and telling people what to do.

I am going to mention a few things which I think leadership is about and hopefully give you some food for thought.  Do not just think about being a leader in your “work” environment but in all circumstances where you are involved and working with or together with people.

Leadership for me is:




Listen first to understand

Praise others when doing well

Think about how you influence others

Have a vision and communicate that to team

Serve others really help

October is also Breast cancer awareness month… Let’s be thankful not just in December with Christmas spirit going around but care and pray for each other during every season right through out the year….
