Sunday Papers

20 March 2023,  Gerda Janse van Rensburg 327

My favorite part of the weekend is the Sunday newspapers.  It brings back memories of the uncles sitting around on a Sunday and discussing the papers, while the women were busy cooking up a storm. I always preferred the newspaper discussion to the kitchen chatter and probably for that reason I am one of the dying breed of people who still buys the newspaper in paper format.  No electronics weekend papers.  Only the real deal paper ones.  You have to be able to smell it, feel it and sit under lapa with a cup of coffee, while the Sunday braai is lit.

This weekend the Rapport especially was a collection of articles of “Justice gone wrong”.  The Facebook rapist, who has been assumed dead for 2 years, spotted in a Woollies?  The in-famous Tammy Taylor due with their debt, that they probably won’t repay.  The hit on Cloete Murray and his son.  A guy working in the trenches on the Gupta insolvency and government overreaches.  The strange Louis Liebenberg who is running a Ponzi scheme… or not?  Cremations gone wrong, a pastor not being buried for 500 days and that political party who wants to fix things, by breaking things.  More absurd it probably can’t get in the short space of 10 pages.

My favorite weekend thing has been ruined by my favorite week thing… the law.  This time however the miscarriage thereof and the state of the system that is available to address it. 

I still see the good people fighting the good fight, but I have to stop and wonder, how long will they be able to keep it up?  So today, while folding up my paper half-way and ditching it in the trash, I spare a thought for the others like me, who still believes in this system, this country and her people.  May sanity prevail and common sense have a glorious return to the nation and we see these spotlight craving people (read lunatics) for what they are….. People who does not deserve columns In my favorite weekend papers.   
