Not excited about dying? Change your will!

03 September 2020,  André Styger 576

Most people believe that when they invest, it should be in stocks, funds and assets they love. The wisest person who ever lived said it will turn out to be the other way around:

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matt.6:33)

Noted the sequence? Your heart follows your treasure and not vice versa.

Often have I seen people with total disregard for a certain commodity or asset class (e.g. gold) only to be experts on the subject a month later. What happened? They bought shares in a mining company or invested in gold itself and because their “treasure” is now in gold, automatically their hearts (and minds) followed.

I am surprised to see how few people invest in “ever after”, either whilst they are alive or when they draft their final Will and Testament. It is also amazing how much you can learn from an individual when going through their bank statements seeing what they have spent their money on. Quickly our priorities are revealed.

Randy Alcorn argued that every day we live, we come one day closer to our death and where our treasure is will determine our outlook on death. Let me explain: If I invested in the current world, every day I live, I move one day farther away from my treasure, and I dread it. If I invested in Heaven, every day I live, I move one day closer to my treasure, and I am excited.

This is part of the difference between those, who at the end, hold onto dear life with everything they have and those who embrace the “ever after” with peace, tranquility and even excitement. So many times have I seen the difference when I had to assist in drafting a Will for those who had to make peace with the inevitable.

When life comes to an end it appears that we all draw up a final (and much different) balance sheet and the bottom line will be determined by what we decide and how we invest today.

What does your Will say?
