From the Province of Diamonds to the Goldfields.

07 August 2019 2522

Being born in a small town in the Northern Cape, I must admit that the opportunities are like gold dust. That is exactly why my parents, Jacobus Wes and Caprise Wes, pushed us to work hard and move mountains with will-power and determination. First let me give you a peep into my childhood.

I was born in Hopetown, second in a family of 5. At birth I was a mere 34 cm long which is why I firmly believe dynamite comes in small packages. I chose to complete my scholastic career at Steynville High School, a public school in Hopetown, to emphasise the potential in each person to achieve more in life, especially coming from a small town environment.

After matriculating top of my class I went to study Law at NWU-Pukke. Just like any other law student I was fired up at the idea of Criminal Law, the pursuit of justice and the prosecution of criminals to the full extent of the punishment available for the crime committed. In my second year the Labour Law bug creeped up on me and ever since then it hadn’t let go of me. Simultaneously to that I also have a passion for Local Governance and Socio-Economic Rights all thanks to Dr Oliver Fuo from NWU-Pukke.

I am a newly appointed candidate attorney at Neumann van Rooyen Inc., I would thus like to invite you to keep your eyes on my Blog and experience this journey with me.
