First year Anniversary of being admitted as a Legal Practitioner

08 March 2023 198

Warning: This Blog discusses matters of religion/God and spirituality. If this does not align with your beliefs and values, kindly skip this blog.

I am one of those people that believe God is involved in every detail of my life. The thing is, to believe something with your mind, and to believe something with your heart are two very different things.

Consciously I know that God promises He will let all things work out for the good of those who love Him. And I also know that Psalm 16:5-6 states “the lines have fallen in pleasant places for me, I have a beautiful inheritance.” BUT, sometimes life happens, and things get difficult, and then all of a sudden all the knowing that sits in my brain doesn’t have the same effect it has when things are going really well.

For reasons that reach beyond the scope of this blog, I started struggling with negative thoughts and beliefs a little while ago. You know, the usual. God doesn’t really love you, God isn’t really involved in the detail of my life etc. And then I woke up on Thursday morning last week and decided that enough was enough. I decided to believe the Word and asked God to show me that He is in fact involved in my life.

AND let me tell you, He showed up. On the 3rd of March 2022 I was admitted in the High Court as a legal practitioner. I happened to be on a flight to Cape Town this Friday that passed (3rd of March 2023), and when I got to my seat on the plane, the person sitting next to me was the person who assisted me with my admission application.

I mean, what are the chances, that on the same day, a year later, we are sitting next to each other on a plane. This was that tap on the back I needed from God. The knowing that he is intimately involved in all the details of my life. The thing that really amazes me, is that long before I asked God to encourage me, He knew that I would ask. And He orchestrated everything in such fine detail.

I hope this story encourages you to know that God is good, and even when we cannot see it, He is in control.
