Appreciation Post

13 June 2023,  Melody Sithole 230

I think the conversation about how difficult it is to be a candidate attorney is usually a topic between candidate attorneys but in the spirit of being honest about my struggles, there are difficult days. Especially for those candidates that have never had to work and be a student at the same time.

However, with all the struggles I can’t help but to be thankful for it all. This is a time that has really shaped my character and helped me become more of myself.

I am sitting here and thinking about how blessed I am for everyone that I got to meet during this journey and just how grateful I am for all of them. This appreciation blog goes out to all court officials that I’ve met so far.

During what feels like a very short time I was given the opportunity to travel to different courts namely: Hennenman, Virginia, Theunissen, Wesselsbron, Bultfontein, Hoopstad, Odendaalsrus and Welkom. The court officials in all these different courts have taught me so much about the law and life.

They made court errands so easy and always went the extra mile for me.

Alfred North Whitehead once said, “no one who achieves success does so without the help of others” and the court officials really played their part in my journey.

Thank you, I really appreciate you all.
